Weekends spent with good old friends are simply the best. This weekend was no exceptions. We spent the weekend in Arkansas with our good friend, Uncle Krepps, and his super cool girlfriend, Ms Heather. Uncle Krepp's dog, Kaiser, was so good too. Not bad for a dog not used to little people.
So, Uncle Krepps has been working on his pilots license for the past year. I am not big enough to go yet, but maybe someday. Mommy and Daddy each took a turn going up. They wouldn't go up together because they didn't want to risk leaving me a total orphan. Really?
On Saturday night, we decided to hit the county fair and see how the locals live it up. I loved the animals with Daddy, but the big cows were a little scary.
On Sunday we went to a nearby lake so I could show off my cute swimsuit figure and my mad swimming skills. Yes sir, this is the LIFE!