Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seattle or Bust

Well, since my Mommy and me made a quick visit to my Great Aunt Jan's and Uncle Michael's in Seattle last weekend.  My Grandma Rabbitt even came up to see us too!  I cannot possibly remember it every being that cold before!  However, in all the weather was great for fall in Seattle. 

In good fall fashion, we went to a pumpkin patch, a pumpkin race, and a few soccer games!  My cousins, Ginny and Cam-er-OON, were super cool to me too!  It was so great to see them. 

Uh, this is their horse, I mean wolf, I mean puppy dog..

Cool hat, huh?

We also went to the Children's Museum in Everett.  I got to play like a vet...
And on an airplane
And with the train...

And I figured out how a big sister loves a little brother....

Aunt Jan is such a kid at heart.  She and I got to play with a birthday cake! 

Umm, then it happened.  Our flight got cancelled!  Fortunately, Grandma Rabbitt came back to the airport and hung out with me and Mommy for a bit.  We finally made it home to Daddy's arms around 10 PM!  Whoo, what a trip!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Sneak Preview

It's that time of year again!  Mommy and I have been working on my costume for the past few weeks.  I don't want to get you to excited, but it is pretty close.  We did a little dress rehearsal tonight, and I am just going to admit, I am stinking CUTE! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Getting Close....

H-Town Bound!

 Once again it was a big Daddy school weekend.  So Mommy and I took a quick road trip down to Houston to see our friends!  Thank Goodness we met Oliver before he is bigger than me!  It was close, let me tell you!

Anyway, we stayed with 'Nolia and Caleb and Ms. Mindy and Mr. Jeremy.  I just love 'Nolia and Maxwell.  Here is how this works, Maxwell is the coolest at 3.  'Nolia at 2 follows Maxwell, and I just hope they throw me a bone every now and again. 

 I can do anything they can do!

Maxwell did let me race him once! 
 Can you tell that I thought we were supposed to still be laying down....

And Mr. Jeremy took us to the park....This is just one cute stroller!

Caleb's such a happy boy!

Nothing better than a brother....This gives me an idea for Mommy...