Friday, April 13, 2012

Steppin' Up the Blue Bonnet Shots

We let Aunt Annie and Uncle Bret in on our favorite blue bonnet spot this year.  Umm...I am a little embarrassed to say that I didn't even bring my own camera.  Yeah, I know.  It only makes sense to let them do it.  However, it also makes sense to go back and look at how much has changed in the last few years so I am just breaking out the old pictures that I did back in the day.  Love this little tradition we have.  

 Here she is April 2010
Here she is April 2011

And then finally this years pictures.  Where is my baby?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Overnight Guest

 We were so lucky this weekend to convince Aunt Annie and Uncle Bret that we could watch Mr. Colton for a few hours so they could rest and do a photo shoot.  They were coming over later to be here for the big egg hunt of 2012 so it only made sense.  I got to break out one of Jillian's old walkers to hang out on the porch with.  Colton was in this thing for nearly 2 hours straight.  Smiling the whole time.  Jillian never did that.  

He also ate everything we gave him, but that is another story.  (I think he will surpass Jillian's weight by his first birthday.  Buy you a steak dinner if he doesn't.)  

Either way, we fell in love with him all over again and were so glad to get our little time with him. 

Of course we had Cash too.  Though he is a little less attended to these days.  

 Sweetest.Thing.Ever.  Colton is giving Jillian kisses.  He just lights up when he sees her. 

Of course it wouldn't be a trip to Uncle Ryan's without getting in touch with nature a bit.  Today's lesson was on rolly pollies.  Colton is listening intently.  So much that he didn't notice the bug crawling on him.  

Jillian will be the girl catching bugs in her princess dress.  Love that about her.  

Easter Gets Better Each Year

This about wraps up the morning we had around here.  Jillian had an absolutely fabulous time dyeing, hunting, and eating (the ones filled with candy) Easter eggs this year.  She is so full of attitude and spunk these days, I don't really know where to begin.   At one point she asked me, "Mommy, why do you take my picture every time I pick up an egg?"  To which I replied, "Because I never want to forget this."     Whoever came up with this crazy tradition, I salute you.  It was soooo much fun!  

We had a little bit of extra fun because Colton spent the night.  Aunt Annie and Uncle Bret were here too, but who notices them when Colton is around?  I was really thankful (as always.always.always.) they brought there photography genius with them to help with my memory of the day.  

Sorry to give you 1 million pictures here, but I had a lot to choose from.  I can have as many favorites as I want.