Ok, folks I received lots and lots of notices that the last time I posted this video it would not play. I don't want anyone of you to be offended and think that i do not want to be friends! Apparently, there were 2 problems going on here. 1. I uploaded the video in HD. Fixed that first. 2. You Tube changed the default to private vs. public for uploaded videos. All should be cleared up so let me know if you cannot watch this one.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Really Big Christmas Blog-Part 4
You have finally made it. Or maybe this is where you are beginning. Either way, I hope that you enjoyed Christmas as much as me!
After all that Christmasing, we flew home the day after. No rest for the weary, I suppose. Well maybe if your Daddy. I had a pretty smooth trip.
And then of course we went home for more presents! Santa apparently made a second stop for me so Mommy and Daddy didn't have to fly with my stuff. Very thoughtful of the old creepy guy.
A new bowling set...Our house has a great lane from the living room to the front door.
Letters...Seems like someone wants me to learn something.
And then the biggest and bestest gift of all went to Mommy this year. See the size of that box? Yep, that is an iMac. Apparently, if you cus at your computer enough around Christmas time, Daddy listens. Daddy got Mommy this awesome computer for her to continue this awesome tradition with more speed and less cussing than ever!
Just in case you couldn't picture how big a 27" monitor on your desk would look like. Here is a visual.
So we are all snug in our house playing with all of our new toys. Maybe I should say toy as this is the only one that I played with today. Thanks Grandma! I can't wait to see my pictures on your icebox!

Oh, and just to brag on my Mommy for a bit. Here is the repaired monitor that she fixed today all by herself with a $0.95 part from Fry's vs. buying a brand new camera for $120+shipping. Yeah for Mommy!
The Really Big Christmas Blog-Part 3
If you are still with me here, we have finally gotten to Christmas Day!! We stayed at my Grandma's house and I woke up bright and early (after going to bed at 11 PM!) to find that Santa (who is still scary) brought me lots of presents (that are mysteriously easy to put in a suitcase).
If you are really paying attention you may have noticed my video in response to the chapsticks. Well, here are the still shots.
After opening my Santa presents, I got all dressed up in my Christmas dress, through a few hundred hissy fits (remember my bed time) and went over to Aunt Sarah and Uncle JJ's house for more Christmasing.
Papa cooked us breakfast...
A scene from the morning...
The best gifts of all are those from the heart and Aunt Annie did not disappoint. She made each and everyone of us kiddos and totally cool hat. Oh, the many talents of that Aunt Annie!
Log's was the snowboarder's hat.
Mine was the frog hat.
Skyla got a flower hat.
Becca Boo and Autumn Grace got strawberries.
The Really Big Christmas Blog-Part 2
OK, so I had to break up the Christmas blog or else it would be so long that no one would finish it.
After going to Rolla we headed back to the Lou for some good old fashioned massive family Christmasing.
First Stop, Great Grandma Mattingly's. All of my cousins and Mommy's family was there to celebrate. We Christmased way past my bedtime, but I was pretty freaking wired about Santa on the way back to Grandma's house.
Here is a snapshot of what the night was like....
Me and my Uncle JJ playing a little Foos Ball....
Uncle Bret is determined to turn all of my cousins into little protege's
Finally opening my Christmas present from Great Grandma Mattingly.
The Really Big Christmas Blog-Part 1
We are no longer messing around with all these little posts with a video (such as the one that may have showed me in a life threatening situation). Here is my favorite Christmas pictures from the past week.
We started out our trip with a night at Great Grandma Jaggi's house. I got to spend time with my cousin Christopher too. Let me just tell you, 15 year old boys are destructive and I cannot wait till I get to help out Christopher more.
Here I am playing the piano like a little Mozart.
Um..Here is a picture of me and Daddy when he was about my age. I guess I don't look as much like my Mommy as I thought. I am still pretty petite like my Mommy
Here we are now...
It wouldn't be a trip to Grandma Jaggi's without going to see the geese....Who doesn't love my new coat?
Here I am with Grandma Jaggi!
Then we all travelled down to Rolla to visit Great Grandma Smart, Aunt Kathy and family, and Mommy's friend Katie & Logan. I, of course, was the hit of Park Sides with my favorite toy, the walker. I got to show Grandma some new tricks I have been working on.
I know this isn't a great picture, it is fuzzy, and I am totally flashing the camera my diaper, but capturing a Grandma Smart smile on camera is a rare treat that I had to share.
If you keep up with things around here, you know that Aunt Kathy brought me an awesome present that was hours of entertainment the whole trip.
We got to spend the night with Mommy's friends Katie and Logan. Logan has gotten so big, I hardly recognized him. Logan had a super crush on me. He grew on me, but I wasn't about to share his toys with him.
I would let him watch though....
And another sweet Daddy pic...
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