Monday, December 27, 2010

The Really Big Christmas Blog-Part 3

If you are still with me here, we have finally gotten to Christmas Day!!  We stayed at my Grandma's house and I woke up bright and early (after going to bed at 11 PM!) to find that Santa (who is still scary) brought me lots of presents (that are mysteriously easy to put in a suitcase).  

If you are really paying attention you may have noticed my video in response to the chapsticks.  Well, here are the still shots.

After opening my Santa presents, I got all dressed up in my Christmas dress, through a few hundred hissy fits (remember my bed time) and went over to Aunt Sarah and Uncle JJ's house for more Christmasing.

Papa cooked us breakfast...

A scene from the morning...

The best gifts of all are those from the heart and Aunt Annie did not disappoint.  She made each and everyone of us kiddos and totally cool hat.  Oh, the many talents of that Aunt Annie!

Log's was the snowboarder's hat.

Mine was the frog hat.

Skyla got a flower hat.

Becca Boo and Autumn Grace got strawberries.

 And Donovan go a Sock Monkey!

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