Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just a Little Birthday Gathering

Let me just start by saying that even with all the weather (and sickness) that has tried to thwart my Birthday, I still had a great birthday.  So there Mr. Weather put that in your snow storm.  There is a silver lining to everything and I got to spend a whole week at home with BOTH my parents AND I got to play in the snow AND I got to spend the weekend with my Grandma Rabbit and I had her all to myself.  

Oh AND, my Mommy felt super guilty about everyone being snowed in and went over the top on some decor.  

But then there was also the cake thing...Let me just say that my Mommy has her own talents.  Decorating me an awesome cake like last years masterpiece was totally in the plan.  However, that little blizzard we had on Friday kept the secret weapon at home.  So no fooling anyone this year, the cat is out of the bag....Mommy needs some help.  Thankfully, we are getting a round 2 on this one.  Aunt Annie, Please hook a sister up.  I promise to take better notes than Mommy did last year.

Can't tell you what I wished for....But I didn't let the look of the cake get me down.

And I did have one cousin there with me...

And of course I got lots of presents....

1 comment:

Christie said...

Happy birthday, Jillian! We were so disappointed that we missed your party but we'll be there soon!