Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who's that party girl...

Well, my birthday party has come and gone.  I had so many great friends and they just spoiled me rotten!  My Mimi and Grandpa Jaggi were here, my Grandma Rabbit, My Aunt Christie & Uncle Greg and Nicholas.  It was just the most fun ever! 

Ok, so here I am with my first birthday card ever!  My Great Grandma Jaggi mailed it to me, and I love it!  I carried it all around the house. 

My Aunt Annie made me this absolutely FABULOUS cake!  It is just the cutest cake ever!  I got to eat some of it too.  It was a chocolate cherry fudge cake.  Oh, it was so good!

Here I am with my Mommy and Daddy.  They just love me so much.  The past year has just flown by for them.  I will only be little for a little while.

Here I am with all of the presents that I could possibly put on myself.  All of my friends and family are so good to me. 

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