Sunday, February 27, 2011

A New Toyroom

If you have ever been to our house, you know that we have a very nice little fence with a gate on it that we use to keep Jillian from going upstairs.  Well, Jillian has learned to open the gate.  In fact, she has taken over the stairs.  She likes to haul all of her favorite toys to the stairs and play with them there.  She then opens and closes the gate 1,000 times.  She also enjoys "helping" me up the stairs.  I hope she is as kind when I am 85.

She does a pretty good job of entertaining herself here so it is hard for me to put the kibosh on it.  She also only stays on the first 3 or 4 steps so I have totally justified it to myself that this is OK. 

I couldn't help but also add this little gem of Jillian "reading" to her baby doll.  The book was a present from Uncle JJ's family.  It has soft parts to some of the animals to feel.  I am practically crying watching her. 

For nostalgia's sake, I thought I would just add that the fascination with the stairs should not come as a shock to anyone.  Jillian has been a bit obsessed since we moved in.  It has just been that she recently was able to open the gate.  Here are some memories of her with stairs. 

And of course, nothing beats hanging out on the stairs with cousin Nicholas (who has also had his own love affair with the stairs). 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Big Confession

This has been a long time coming, but I have a confession to make.  Jillian has never written a single word on this blog.  She actually doesn't even know how to spell.  (She is crazy smart though)  

It has been me, her Mommy, the whole time.  Please don't be offended by my little charade.  I know that you may be a little sad right now, but Jillian will learn to spell very soon.  I am confident about that.  
Really, I don't even know how I got here.  It all started with me thinking that I knew what she was thinking because after all I am her Mother.  Then Ryan really liked it (and I have a weak spot for compliments from my husband).  We all know how Ryan feels about change so it just kept growing.   

I have realized that Jillian will be writing her own thesis on relativity and attending medical school, and I will still be writing what I think she is thinking.  Therefore, I have decided to come clean before this little hoax gets totally out of hand. 

From here on out, it will still be all about Jilly Bean.  

A Lazy Day With Mommy

Turns out these "weekends" happen once a week.  Unfortunately, Daddy had school today. and the weather was once again fabulous.  Mommy and me are pining for some Daddy time over here!  He is super busy with school lately.  We know we will get him all to ourselves soon, but December seems like a lifetime away for me.  Oh wait...It pretty much is. 

Us girls tried to make the most of it today with knocking out a few errands, having a girls lunch, and a trip to the playground.  Just between us, I am not sure if Mommy takes me to the playground because I like it or because she likes it.  I have even considered that she likes the 3 hour nap I take when we get home, but I am sure my Mommy is not so mean.

My favorite....a BIG slide

There were a few boys at the playground.  I may have had a bit of a crush on them.  They were about 8, but I think I am mature for my age.  

Deep Jillian Jaggi

Me showing off for my boyfriend.  

Mommy's heart stopped about here....

Safety first...I had to hold on to that handrail.  Don't ask why the drawbridge was scary but the 3' climbing thing was fine.

More checking out my boyfriends.  Notice that I am staring dreamily past the camera.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Talent, Skills, & Patience

It was a bit embarrassing, really.  I mean, what is a girl supposed to do?  I blame the weather for revealing that my mom had no real skill at this whole cake thing.  We all now know she is just the helper and Aunt Annie is the designer.  Nothing like airing your dirty laundry.  Maybe on the next one, Mom.  

Either way, since we had a few snow shows on my first party, Mommy got another shot at the deal.  So here is the before and after shots.  I think Mommy had a vision she was just lacking in the follow through.  

Mommy's solo cake....Those are butterflies, not arch angels.  

And the Aunt Annie Assisted Version....Much better

Another Birthday Weekend

You may recall that my last birthday was slimmed down quite a bit by the fact that Dallas had a horrendous  ice storm the week of my birthday.  (Then it turned around and snowed 6 inches!)  Either way, Mimi and Papa, and Nicholas were not able to make it so what was I supposed to do?  I had ANOTHER birthday this weekend just for good measure!  

I have certainly learned about presents the past few months.  I had a month of Christmasing, a 3 week birthday, and a little Valentines in the mix.  Ah yes, I am a lucky girl!   

So, Mimi, Papa, Nicholas, and Uncle Greg came down to visit this weekends.  As usual, we had a marvelous time.  

On Saturday, we went to a new playground near my house.  This place was HUGE.  I had all sorts of fun trying to keep up with Nicholas there.  It was the definition of tag teaming between Mommy, Papa, and Mimi.

This is about the extent of Nicholas and me in the massive fort at the park.  We were both so overwhelmed!

Then we had my little birthday party on Saturday evening.  Even though Aunt Christie was not able to make it, she sent me some cool red cowgirl boots.  I may never wear anything else again!

And to top off a great weekend, Nicholas brought his bounce house for Daddy and him to play with.  Fortunately, they shared with me too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Roll For You

Nothing to see here if you don't want to see me do any of my amazing tricks!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just a Little Birthday Gathering

Let me just start by saying that even with all the weather (and sickness) that has tried to thwart my Birthday, I still had a great birthday.  So there Mr. Weather put that in your snow storm.  There is a silver lining to everything and I got to spend a whole week at home with BOTH my parents AND I got to play in the snow AND I got to spend the weekend with my Grandma Rabbit and I had her all to myself.  

Oh AND, my Mommy felt super guilty about everyone being snowed in and went over the top on some decor.  

But then there was also the cake thing...Let me just say that my Mommy has her own talents.  Decorating me an awesome cake like last years masterpiece was totally in the plan.  However, that little blizzard we had on Friday kept the secret weapon at home.  So no fooling anyone this year, the cat is out of the bag....Mommy needs some help.  Thankfully, we are getting a round 2 on this one.  Aunt Annie, Please hook a sister up.  I promise to take better notes than Mommy did last year.

Can't tell you what I wished for....But I didn't let the look of the cake get me down.

And I did have one cousin there with me...

And of course I got lots of presents....

Like My Hat?

 How can you tell if your parents are engineers?

Snow Day...One more Time!

Well, we thought the worst was over, but Oh No!  There was one more doozy coming straight for my Birthday.  Just this little "light dusting" we received here on Friday morning.  That's right year 2 with about 6" of snow.  It was cold too.  Not nearly as much fun, but we got out in it for a few.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just A Little Suzie Homemaker

Despite all of this weather, I am trying desperately to gear up for my Birthday!  Last Night Mommy even let me help make my cake because I am such a big girl now!  Mommy probably underestimated the mess that could be made with me helping out, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.