Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Lazy Day With Mommy

Turns out these "weekends" happen once a week.  Unfortunately, Daddy had school today. and the weather was once again fabulous.  Mommy and me are pining for some Daddy time over here!  He is super busy with school lately.  We know we will get him all to ourselves soon, but December seems like a lifetime away for me.  Oh wait...It pretty much is. 

Us girls tried to make the most of it today with knocking out a few errands, having a girls lunch, and a trip to the playground.  Just between us, I am not sure if Mommy takes me to the playground because I like it or because she likes it.  I have even considered that she likes the 3 hour nap I take when we get home, but I am sure my Mommy is not so mean.

My favorite....a BIG slide

There were a few boys at the playground.  I may have had a bit of a crush on them.  They were about 8, but I think I am mature for my age.  

Deep Jillian Jaggi

Me showing off for my boyfriend.  

Mommy's heart stopped about here....

Safety first...I had to hold on to that handrail.  Don't ask why the drawbridge was scary but the 3' climbing thing was fine.

More checking out my boyfriends.  Notice that I am staring dreamily past the camera.  


JJ said...

What -- no birthday, valentine's or Christmas gifts this weekend?! She needs to come see Mimi!

Christie said...

The pictures look so good! Totally worth it!!