Monday, October 31, 2011

OKC Weekend

We headed up to OKC this weekend for a little hanging out with the family there.  Felt like it had been forever since we were there. Repeat after me, only 3 school weekends left, only 3 school weekends left.  Anyway, the kiddos had a great time.  I took a ton of pictures.  These were just a few of the pictures that I took while passing the time.  

It All Started With A Jillian Vision

While driving to the grocery store one day, I asked Jillian what she wanted to be for Halloween.  She said, "A Princess Butterfly."  Just like that.  No ifs ands or buts about it.  Hence, I made that girl a princess butterfly.  And it was awesome.  She was a fabulous princess butterfly.  

Because I am PSYCHO, I made the costume again this year.  I just love doing it so don't try to stop me.  I don't know who likes it more, me or Jillian.  Well, Ok, I do, but Jillian likes it a little bit too.  

Here are the pictures I took of her at Mimi and Papa's this weekend.  We dressed up the kids for a mini trick or treating so we had a good excuse to take some pictures of them together.  

And after everything, this is how it ended up.  It was pretty sad to me because now it is over and another year will go by before we get to do it again.  Maybe we should all wear costumes for Easter.

Orr Family Farm Fun

Aunt Christie had the best idea to go over to the Orr Family Farm this weekend with the family.  The kids just loved it!  They had a hay ride, a train, a trampoline, and some animals.  We loved it!

Someday they will hate this picture.

The pony ride was a huge success.

Daddy thought he would "help" Jillian go down the slide..After she went 3 times by herself.

These two looked a little wore out towards the end.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cousins, Friends, and the Nascher

Our cousin Meghan and her friend Caitlin came to Dallas for a quick visit this weekend.  Annie and Bret suggested we take them to the Nascher sculpture museum and it was just GORGEOUS!  I got some great little pictures of Jillian cheesin' it up for me.  This may be picture overload so stay with me here.  Just imagine how many pictures I actually took!

She is so proud of herself here.  I can't get over what a big girl she is all of the sudden.  Where's my baby?  

Annie found a great little spot to nurse Colton. 

Oh yes, I let her wear her boots in 85 degree heat.  I am that Mom.  

Annie let me hold Colton in the Baby Bjorn.  Don't worry, no baby fever here.....well, maybe a little bit. I just love that sweet little sleeping baby.