Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mimi the GENIUS

Mimi will forever now be known as Mimi the Genius.  She flew down here for 3 days to help us with Jillian while Ryan and I were out of town.  So she takes Jillian to the store and lets her pick out a gift bag (the Princess Bag) and a few toys (including Princess tattoos).  She tells Jillian that she can have the stuff in the bag if she goes potty like a big girl.  

If you read this, you know that our little control freak loves that she does not potty like a big girl.  She could totally do it, but chooses not to.  Until now.  The Princess Bag has worked, people!  We spent the weekend with only 1 awake time accident!  She used the potty over 7 times since Friday, and it takes her less than 5 minutes to use it.  Just an FYI, we spent 4 hours for 2 potty trips last weekend.   Jillian refused to let it out on the potty.  I read stories until I was blue in the face.  

I am not trying to say that we are there.  "Trained"is a long way away, but progress feels pretty good today so don't rain on my parade. 

So even I know that no one but me actually wants to see my kid sitting on the potty, but I do think the progression of princess tattoos has been hilarious (maybe I am a bit too excited, but this is big folks!).  So here is the princess tattoos starting with our first one that took 1 hour and 45 minutes to earn.  

By this Saturday, we had already started getting pretty intense on the collection.  

However, I really didn't know where I would put the next one if she went again before her bath tonight!  What a great feeling to look at my little girl all tattoo'd up!

Thank God for our Mimi!

1 comment:

JJ said...

So far - so good! Let's keep our fingers crossed she stays motivated long enough to truly be potty trained!