Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm dreaming of a white Valentine's?

Who would have thought that we would have 6" of snow in Texas?  Certainly my mommy & daddy didn't.  That's why I am out here with plastic bags in my tennis shoes and socks on my hands.  Talk about improvising.  I was one tough cookie, no sissies here. 

Mommy made us a snowman to hang out with.  That's right this snowman is a "Texan," complete with cowboy hat.

As I mentioned, we are completely unprepared for a snow day.  I don't even have a sled.  I know, pitiful, right?  But before you call CPS, Daddy did hook me up by pulling me around in my swing.  I am not totally sure, I am ready for the olympic bobsled team, but there is always 2014.  

Daddy also made his little princess a throne.  I am a little eskimo princess!

And of course we made a snow angel.  That mommy is C-R-A-Z-Y!


JJ said...

I love the pictures! Especially, Jillian sitting on her throne! What fun!

Christie said...

How fun is that?!?!

Donna said...

Looks like she likes her swing even more not that it's up!....She is just so cute.