Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cheaters never prosper...but sometimes they get metals

Daddy ran in a 5K this weekend.  Mommy and I decided to get up with him and show our support.  It was a pretty chilly morning, but we had a really nice time with Daddy's friends at the race.  It was pretty funny, because the race wasn't that well put together.  Almost everybody took a short cut on the route!  So Daddy ran his "5K" in 21 minutes.  Daddy's pretty fast, but I don't know that he is that fast.  The folks with the race didn't even acknowledge that everyone ran a short race.  They gave out the metals like nothing was up!  So Daddy got 1st in his age group.  It was pretty silly.


I did get to spend some time at the playground. I LUV this swing.  I am also sporting my little shoes.  Could anything be sweeter than baby tennis shoes?

That swing made my hands pretty cold so mommy let me borrow her gloves.  I felt a little silly wearing them. 


JJ said...

I am so proud of Ryan for winning his first "medal"!! So now is he getting ready for his first marathon?

KHARTMAN80 said...

I can't wait for Reese to be old enough to go swing at the park. Jillian is so photogenic! And I'm impressed with all the running that your family does.