Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cousins make it that much better

My Aunt Nikki and Uncle Dustin and my cousins, Logan, Donny, and Skyla all came to Texas for a little road trip.  When we go there, my mom and daddy are always in a rush so I really really enjoyed myself with them at MY house.  Cousin Logan really enjoyed Daddy's game room so I didn't see much of him, but Donovan and I are soul mates, I know it.  

Here we are in my big comfy chair.  Everybody wanted to try it out.

Daddy sure thought Skyla was cute.  I told her to stay off my Daddy several times. 

Most of the trip we were all pretty happy though....

We had the most fun on my treadmill.  This is my favorite new game.  Daddy makes me put my hands up to keep my fingers from getting pinched.
Cousin Logan chillin'.

Since all the daddies were playing ping-pong without us, we decided to chill in the pool.  Which brings up another good point....I NEED a bigger pool!

1 comment:

Impulsive Addict said...

OMG! I loved reading Jilly's blog! I have one too but as you can tell, I'm under-cover! Shhh...! lol Please post more!!