Monday, December 21, 2009

Dynamite Comes In Small Packages, Right?

We went in for my 9 months check up at 10 months due to some scheduling conflict.  That's when we found out that I am only in the 3rd percentile for my weight.  I am 20th for my height, and 40th for my head.  So I looked that nurse square in the face and said, "So, I am skinny, short, and smart.  Just like my mommy!"

Here are my stats, just in case you are wondering
  • Weight: 16 lbs. 2 oz. (3%)
  • Height: 27 in. (20%)
  • Head: 44.1 cm (40%)


JJ said...

Yes, it does! Loved the Christmas card you sent!! So cute! Can't wait to see my little package of dynamite soon!

KHARTMAN80 said...

Jillian is just like her mommy! Reese is 14 lbs at 3 months - 85% weight, 80% height, and 75% head. Just like her mommy: big, tall, and smart. Funny how those genes come into play. :)