Sunday, December 26, 2010

Prairie Lights...Only if you like brake lights

So Mommy decides that we should do something together "as a family".  I am not sure what she thinks we do all the time.  However, we thought it would be fun to see the Christhmas lights set up Prairie Lights. 

I now know what the settlers felt like going across the prairie.  It was like a 4 hour traffic jam!  We got there at 6:30.  They close at 10.  It took over an hour to get into the park, and then another 2 hours to drive through it.  We didn't get home till nearly 10 pm!  It was kind of cool, but it was so slow even I was tired of the lights!

Here is the entry traffic jam....Notice the folks out of there cars walking.  Mommy was too determined to turn around.  Crazy. 
 Enjoying the lights.

Not enjoying the lights... 

Finally the end!  Oh this was so not worthwhile! 

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