Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa Scary....

Sorry that I have been a bit behind on putting these up, but I have been so busy with all of the festivities!  So many Christhmas things to learn...Christhmas trees, Christhmas light, and of course Santa Claus.  Who I was super psyched about until the second I walked into the room with him.  He looks so little and fun in a book or on a Christhmas card (another favorite), but he is super scary in real life.  I couldn't even look at him.  Thank goodness Daddy was there.  I just know that Mommy was dying to throw me in that guys lap! 

 You know I am serious when candy doesn't get my attention...
I do LOVE the Christhmas lights though....Thank Goodness Mommy got these done.

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